Bicycle has a very ancient history . The first pedal bike made in Scotland in 1839 .
Removed in 1960 and the first roller bicycles .
As we know cycling is one of the sport is a perfect tool to melt more calories . Azeri women, this is the perfect tool to use but we do not know quite a pity.

Cycling women stay away from the vehicle as well as excellent sports and entertainment in one of the main reasons adults , relatives and your relatives , neighbors rumors run most of the chairs , I am not wrong .
Cycling for women is still considered as a move away from honest .

I would like to note that our brotherly country Turkey for a long time, thinking this ignorant ruled. Until, that is , until the establishment of the Republic .

In many countries, cycling is used as the most convenient means of transportation . Increasingly being invented for the convenience of people of different bicycles . There is so little bikes , they are located in the passenger car out of the truck . Folding bicycles are also opened . They are divided into just a few minutes and again it is possible to combine . These bikes are very suitable for the townspeople .

" Bicycle " in Latin , " " means. It should be noted that the name of the first archeological justified itself . Still, the first competition was held in 1869 in France, a distance of 120km bike for that period of unprecedented speed - up to 11km per hour was achieved . Since then, various sports competitions in the current two-wheeled bikes on the highway ( road racing ) , valley - hill roads ( velour’s ) , custom bike stadiums () rapidly . They are the single undermanned and bicycle , as well as the two -seat bicycle - train .

Two-wheeled or three-wheeled bicycle pedal -driven machine. Master of serfs in Russia in the first two-wheeled bike and rudder rectified in 1801 . So " samovar " , ie " self- moving " they said. It really was as follows : sitting on the lid of the drive wheel connected to a bicycle pedal motion was. But fate was not successful . He was the Czar 's collection of rare things , and was soon forgotten . Later in 1801, the steering wheel and pedal bicycles appeared in Paris . Action brought by the driver to push the bike to the ground with the feet . In 1815, a German rudder bike , in the middle of the nineteenth century, prior to the wheel pedal bicycle built his compatriot .

Thus , the scheme returned to life again . At that time, bicycle wheels made of metal . Front wheel a man was tall . Since a large number of rods he seemed Wide Web . Therefore, the " spider " they said. The " spider " is exactly what happened twenty years of her life, similar to the structure and appearance of the new machine was replaced by the current bikes .

Since 1893, the world of cycling , and other competitions will be held in Europe . Bicycle racing was the first Olympic Games program . this type of sport is often the first Olympics . Bicycle program but remained unchanged in recent years . Go here to 1km sprint, march , march 4 km individual and team , and individual circular procession marched the team down the highway at a distance of 100 km .

Today, many of the developed countries to take the women's cycling as a means of elegant and fun sport is valued and loved.

The skin rash associated with Lyme disease affects approximately 60 percent of those with the disease. Initially a red spot will appear at the location where the tick has bitten, over time the red spot will increase in size. As the infected area develops a rash called 'erythema migrans' appears.

A bite that becomes true to Lyme disease will as it grows present with a 'bullseye' or target-like appearance with the outer edge of the marking appearing darker than the inner area. On those with dark skins the Lyme disease rash appears more in the form of a bruise due to skin pigmentation differences.

The erythema migrans rash can grow to the size of anything from a small coin to a rash that is prominent on a large part of the torso. It is important to acknowledge that although the tick bite mark may be evident immediately, the rash that then develops can do so at any time during the development of the disease. On occasions the rash may only appear after more serious symptoms have begun.

Although the rash itself is a reasonable indication that Lyme disease has infiltrated the body, it is commonplace on suspicion of this that a doctor will perform a blood test. The Lyme disease antibodies may not be detected in the blood for up to eight weeks therefore if symptoms persist of worsen the doctor is likely to repeat the blood test.

Treatment using medication such as oral antibiotics is common practice, particularly in the early presenting stages of the disease. Research carried out by scientists in the U.S has suggested that antibiotic treatment needs to be administered for anywhere between twelve and eighteen months to fully eradicate the disease. Treatment given for any less than this is likely to result in further spread and worsening symptoms of the disease.
Children born to mothers with diabetes mellitus?

Nope. Children born to mothers with diabetes mellitus . At the same time , the prevalence of diabetes in the family when it comes to minor children may be suffering from diabetes . Children born after the mother's diabetes goes. Qlikoza levels in the blood

6 weeks after birth to make sure that the situation returned to normal, the blood test is likes . Also , women with pregnancy -related diabetes in the future is likely to be suffering from diabetes .

Blood glucose levels are under control , what dangers await mothers ?

Before pregnancy and in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, the mother's blood sugar levels are not under control, reduce child nomination , congenital abnormalities , and the pressure to bring the child can be registered as a serious problem . So the children of mothers dying in the abdomen , according to seniority of birth trauma , respiratory distress and intensive care needs are higher .

Babies of mothers with diabetes , the normal case , a congenital abnormality of the heart 18 times , the openness of the spine ( spine bifida ), the risk is more than 15 times . Offered to all pregnant women in the 23th and 20th weeks of pregnancy , the importance of ultrasound by a specialist experienced in their field , so it is very important for the pregnant groups .
Pregnancy What is sugar ?

During pregnancy, blood sugar problems can arise in two ways :

    Detained with diabetes before pregnancy ,
    during pregnancy , especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy

rise in blood sugar levels associated with changes in the process of metabolism .

Prior to the emergence of diabetes during pregnancy in women who do not process sugar . Hormonology changes during pregnancy , the child focuses on the need to ensure that sugar and foods . The goal is to try to keep the mother's high blood sugar . These impacts need to be more than 6 months after the baby is born.

Some of which are prone to diabetes metabolism is the main nomination , such an increase in blood sugar is more than expected , and creates pregnancy . Six hundred mothers , seven are found in pregnancy, diabetes mellitus gestational call . Gestational diabetes in mothers will not suffer , but it is harmful for the baby .

If mothers of high levels of disease , examination of sugar to be between 24 and 28 weeks . If you have any risk factors , the first day of the examination should be carried out in pregnant overview .

How to identify and treat ?

The test is carried out. This happens in two stages . First, 50 g likes blood sugar checked after 1 hour of receipt . Consequently, it is higher than 140 , and the 3 -hour load test done during pregnancy to 100 g likes . Our first test hundred pregnant women is 10 to 15, the loading test . Taken to test the loading of the sugar in pregnancy is diagnosed in more than one hundred 20 - 40 .

A large children's mothers were not treated against disease , birth trauma , and intensive care as needed, the issues of jaundice are more common . Other complications of pregnancy and childbirth children , do not care , there is one more feature .

It postpartum women in their lives , more than diabetes risk exposure . So pregnant women should be kept under control by testing 6 weeks after birth , and then at regular intervals if it fails the tests of sugar amount should be revised . If excess weight , the weight to normal weight is recommended for those who.

Done at birth not only to children , overweight and diabetes later in their lives that they are close to . As you can see , pregnancy, pregnancy and birth process, sugar is not only to recognize and treat the next generations of health -related issue. In such patients , the examiner simply diet allows for more than one hundred 80 .

Diet by the mother's age, height and weight of less than 30-35 percent of normal eating habits , according to calorie, carbohydrate, fat and protein percentages are preparing an application set . You are advised to eat little and often . It is recommended to avoid foods that are high in index .

peel and yolks until the network is useful . Even as a baby under 1 year old should be able to access the menu to do it .

What the rich.
crust is made up of 90% calcium carbonate .

Daily dull copper , iron , manganese , phosphorus , sulfur, zinc, and is rich in substances such as silicon and molybdenum .

With what is useful .
Become A Muscle Builder

    Russian scientist ground egg shell in the regulation of metabolism has been developed on the benefits of effective health care system .
    Strengthens the heart and muscles of the eye shell .
    Stomach pain, asthma, arthritis , bone injuries , especially useful when there is a receipt .
    Composition similar to the composition of the egg shell , bone and tooth , teeth , nails, and therefore recommended its adoption slowed down .


    • Cocoa shell eggs, adding wine to drink with natural crushed stones in the kidneys and urinary bladder .

    The peel should be used in pregnant women , especially in their diet . If you use such as rickets in children 1 year of age will be taken to prevent the disease .

How prepared ?
Just peel the egg has therapeutic effect . Wash with soap under warm water, eggs , whites and yolks in a bowl , pour and rinse thoroughly . Hulls dry 2-3 hours ( not in a warm place , or under the sun , because the sun's rays will destroy the calcium in the bark ) .
Infants can be disinfected in boiling water for 5 minutes for the shells . These shells are less effective , but more will be sterile .

Should you drop into the powder -like crust grind .
Powder blue glass bowl from the fact that the effect of the lost. Powder , cottage cheese , porridge and foods fit into accept .

Dose .

1,5-1 grams per day , depending on age , such as ground egg shell to accept ( an egg shell 3,5-5 g ) . Children from the age of 6 in powder - 1 at the tip of the blade , from 1 to 2 times as much as 3 years old can .

Tips .

Egg shell powder with a few drops of lemon juice to it before accepting the dust reacts with juicy will help even more powerful effect .

You can also mix it with cranberry juice powder .

Dust the top of the citrus fruit and apple juice you can drink .

The shell of the egg before going to bed at night, given that the digestion of calcium recommended to accept .

Even if your period does not return while breastfeeding, it is still possible to conceive. The absence of menstruation does not mean that you will not ovulate. Therefore, some form of birth control should be used once you have been given the okay by your doctor to resume sexual activity.

The chances of getting pregnant while breastfeeding and menstruation has not returned range somewhere between one and two percent for the first six months of breastfeeding. After your baby turns six months, the chances of conceiving while breastfeeding (with no menstruation) goes up.

Using breastfeeding as an exclusive form of birth control is known as the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM). While many advocate this as an effective form of birth control when done correctly, some women find it difficult or are uncomfortable following all the necessary guidelines, like no pacifier use and nursing frequently for long periods of time. For this reason, doctors often recommend another method of birth control to be used in conjunction with LAM.

Methods of Birth Control

Breastfeeding women have several options for birth control. Most doctors do not recommend using hormonal birth control that combines estrogen and progesterone, because it may decrease supply. This leaves barrier methods and progestin-only birth control as methods.

These methods of birth control can be taken in the form of:

Progestin-only birth control pills ("mini pill")
Progestin-only implants
Progestin-only injections
IUDs (intrauterine devices)
Cervical caps
Depending on the method of birth control you choose, you may have to wait several weeks before being able to use your first choice. Most doctors require a waiting period of four to six weeks before having intercourse or inserting anything into the vagina after birth.

To learn more about breastfeeding and menstruation, speak to a lactation consultant at your clinic or hospital. Talk to your doctor about the best method of birth control to use while you nurse your child
Various research studies clearly demonstrate the success breastfeeding and weight loss have when they naturally work together. In particular, women who breastfeed lose more weight than formula-feeding moms for the first three to six months of a baby's life. Brand new moms, fresh from labor, are eager to get their bodies back. Remember that it took nine months to gain the weight, and realize it should take that long to lose it all.

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss Naturally

For the lactating mom, simply eating regular meals and limiting high calorie snacks and beverages will help her to achieve weekly weight loss goals. Be sure to not eat for two, as the body has already stored up the extra nutrition while pregnant. The additional fat accumulated during pregnancy is intended by nature as a reserve for breastfeeding later.

This specific biologically designed fat store is eliminated by lactation through nature's plan. Hormones released during lactation target fat accumulated in the buttocks and thighs, two locations women expand the most during pregnancy. If a breastfeeding mom avoids overeating, weight loss will be relatively easy and natural.

The process of breastfeeding requires 500 calories a day for a typical baby, even more with multiples. If a woman went to the gym and worked out for 45 minutes to an hour, she still would have trouble burning 500 calories. When eating reasonable amounts, these additional calories burn from the fat stores in the woman's body. Imagine running on the treadmill each time while nursing, and feel those fat cells disappear.

Other than the initial weight loss immediately following birth from the baby, placenta and fluids, a new mom should not expect to lose much weight during the first month of her infant's life. After the first month, a breastfeeding mom can expect to lose approximately two pounds a month on average. The most significant maternal weight loss usually begins to occur after the infant is three months old.
49th Rate of weight loss for kids
Rate of weight loss for kids
We have interesting information!
Health & Style
Rate of weight loss for kids we have interesting information!
Children are very overweight very soon troubled by a number of diseases
Developed countries plagued modern epidemic; obese children is increasing dramatically, from which grow obese adults.
Children are very overweight very soon troubled by a number of diseases, which in the past used to be exclusively the domain of adults. Then a new situation calls for new approaches...

Today's generation of mothers and grandmothers will confirm that previously it was small 'Tubby' much less than they meet in today's schools and nurseries. I once had used to have each class of its "rollers", but usually the only one, maximum two.
Today, in every class "rollers" several

Chubby trend is confirmed by statistics that showed that up to 30% of American children are overweight or even obese! Approximately two thirds of these children then struggle with higher weight in adulthood.

RECOMMENDED: Video: Nearly half of obese children have borne his illness since 2 years
Being overweight to obesity and entail only an aesthetic problem, but often psychological problems that are closely related to adolescence, bullying or inappropriate remarks peers or parents Very important are health problems that previously knew more full-bodied older generation.

Mediterranean diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and fish-rich people who still have a lower risk of depression, the University of America and the Archives of General Psychiatry psychiatry, according to a study published in the October issue.
One of the conclusions from the study of disorders of the head with the Mediterranean countries have a lower prevalence than in northern Europe. This could be a possible explanation of the diet may be protective against depression. Prior research has suggested that might be linked to the unsaturated fatty acids from olive oil is the oil that is widely used in the Mediterranean diet and lower risk of severe depressive symptoms.

Work, the 10,094 volunteers were studied. Specifically, the volunteers had to answer a series of questions at the beginning, between 1999 and 2005.Participants spoke about their diet questionnaires indicating the frequency of food consumption. From there, the researchers calculated their adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and were based on nine components (fatty acids compared seeking, was a high proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids, alcohol and dairy products were taken in moderation, a little meat and legumes, fruits and nuts, cereals, vegetables and fish).

30% reduction in the risk of depression
All volunteers were monitored for four years and a half, and saw that they had depression, 480 156 in men and 324 in women. When the best model followed the Mediterranean diet had a 30% lower risk of developing depression.

The authors of the study noted that they are not well known, the exact mechanism that causes the depression might not be following the Mediterranean diet to a greater extent. Components of the diet could be the following: an increase in blood vessel function, fight inflammation, reduces the risk of heart disease and of oxygen-related cell damage, and all of them may be able to decrease the risk of developing depression.

However, it would be important that the role of dietary patterns in general, than it would be for each specific component. According to the authors, it is likely that synergies large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in olive oil and nuts are combined with other unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, flavonoids and other compounds in fruit and vegetables and the Mediterranean diet as a whole combined with large amounts of natural in combination with foliate and other B vitamins, and these synergies that provide protection against depression.

Another notable project of Nutrition and Obesity group of the UPV / EHU is made in the program along with the City of Vitoria, to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the child population.
The program, aimed at children 6-12 years of age, has been designed by an interdisciplinary group of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the UPV / EHU, formed by Dietitians and nutritionist, specialists in sensory analysis and a sociologist, led by the Nutrition and Obesity Research Group at the Rodriguez sisters.

Theories Based on of behavior change launched by the program consists of three workshops (sensorial, nutritional and gastronomic) and two activities (purchase of fruits and fruit for breakfast with the family) two plagues games and interesting proposals. Constitutes a part or component of an innovative approach to Software version number (the work of sensory skills, dietary and culinary), and the involvement of key actors in the education of children (teachers, parents, mothers and environment) and the other part of the participation of experts of the University.

Although the program is finalized in June, the preliminary results are encouraging, because the 80% estimate of the messages nutritional, sensory and culinary You put, and wants to eat more fruit manifested in 70%, and 60%, more vegetables, including, in both cases, the taller varieties that perform no knew before.

Supplementary Data
But with a more limited number of members in the present, leads the group in 20 years of working on issues related to obesity. In 2003 he was recognized as a Consolidated Research Group of the UPV / EHU, and in 2012 went to be Basque Research Group of the healthcare system (category A) recognized by the Government.

Moreover, in 2011 it was integrated in the UFI11/32 called "Unit development Tools therapeutic: Nanotechnology, aging and quality of life (ELDUNANOTEK)", being the UFIs Training and Research Units created by the UPV / EHU .
The proceeds: 8 Teachers, doctors and researchers, 4 Investigators Contracting (CIBERon by one, two by the UPV / EHU and one charge of the project), 1 PhD Fellow FPI, 1 PhD Fellow of Vasco Government, 1 PhD Fellow of the University / EHU and 1 PhD Fellow of the CONACIT.
In fruits, antioxidants reduce cardiovascular risks associated with obesity. To reach this conclusion, fruit enriched with different amounts of low-calorie eating patterns were analyzed, and how they saw the body of antioxidants.
Department of Physiology and Nutrition, obesity and health research scientists have worked in this line. 26 to 38 years of obese women to follow. Eat low calorie Two measures were implemented: a group of fruit she receives 5% of total energy, while the other are 15%.

Diabetes against Weight Loss
In both cases, weight loss was similar, with an average of 7 kg. However, it was seen in the blood of women who ate more fruit had significantly reduced the concentration of free radicals. These free radicals can facilitate the development of cardiovascular disease.

So, according to the research, in fruit antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, help to alleviate damage to the cells, and, moreover, they are rich in fiber, which reduces cholesterol levels. This works at the University of America, Alfredo Martinez, Dolores Parra and the Bethlehem researchers. They think that they are advised to eat a low calorie diet of fruit. In fact, in addition to helping you lose weight, it helps to alleviate the risks associated with obesity, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

