New PTSD trauma medicine may disappear from the brain
Trauma Psychotherapy is a standard treatment for people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, this treatment does not always have the desired effect. Neuroscientists have in their quest for better treatment developed a drug that could improve treatment of PTSD and trauma can disappear.
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Even from the brain
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder and can occur after a war experience, a natural disaster, a plane crash, a terrorist attack, assault, rape, robbery with violence, or seeing people who are seriously injured or slain. During the shocking event or trauma people lose almost all control. Such a shocking event can seriously disrupt the mental and physical balance.

Mind and body remain as it were, taking into account risk no longer exists: the fear continues to exist all the time. Chronic stress, oversized vigilance, and all kinds of physical symptoms are often the result.

Many patients with PTSD undergoing psychotherapy in which they relive their traumatic memory in a safe environment and ultimately the memories can provide a place and overcome fear.

But memories can be so entrenched that the therapy does not always work.
 Especially if the traumatic experience occurred many years earlier
 In a recent study, neuroscientists from MIT's Widower Institute for Learning and Memory can demonstrate that traumatic memories may fade.

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    January 2014

